Ligamentarne poškodbe gležnja
- Podrobnosti
- Predmet: Kirurgija
- Kategorija: Seminarji
- Napisal: Tatka
- Zadetkov: 2806
Zvin gležnja je ena izmed najpogostejših poškodb skeleta. Pri zvinu gležnja gre za poškodbo
ene ali večih vezi (največkrat se poškoduje anteriorni talofibularni ligament). Zvine lahko
razvrstimo v tri stopnje glede na težo poškodbe in klinične znake pri poškodovancu.
Najpogostejši mehanizem poškodbe je inverzija s kombinacijo plantarne fleksije. Pri tem
mehanizmu se najpogosteje poškoduje anteriorni talofibularni, kalkaneofibularni in
posteriorni talofibularni ligament. V diagnostiki je zelo pomembna anamneza in klinični
status, kjer moramo vedno izključiti zlom proksimalnega dela golenice. Slikovna diagnostika
naj bi se uporabljala v skladu z »Ottawa ankle rules«. Zdravljenje je v večini primerov
konzervativno (počitek, hlajenje, kompresija, elevacija in fizikalna terapija), če pa se pojavi
kronična nestabilnost gležnja in fizikalna terapija ne pomaga pa se odločimo za kirurško
Ankle sprain is one of the most common injury to the skeleton. An ankle sprain is an injury of
one or more ligaments in the ankle (usually on the lateral side of the ankle). We distinguish
between three degrees of ankle sprain. The most common mechanism of injury is
combination of plantar flexion and inversion. The lateral ligaments, which include the
anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular and posterior talofibular ligament, are most often
damaged. Ankle trauma is evaluated with a careful history (situation and mechanism of
injury, previous injury to the joint) and a careful physical examination (inspection, palpation,
special tests). Radiographic imaging should be used with consideration of Ottawa ankle
rules. The early treatment of an ankle sprain is the "RICE" method of treatment (R=rest,
I=ice, C=compression, E=elevation) and physical rehabilitation. If the conservative treatment
is not successful and instability persists after months of rehabilitation, we use surgical