Zbirka tabel iz učbenikov

Snemi datoteko (Extracted tables from multiple histology textbooks.pdf)Extracted tables from multiple histology textbooks20807 kB

Kompilacija vseh tabel iz dolocenih ucbenikov in atlasov iz histologije:

- Histology - An Identification Manual by Robert Tallitsch, 1st edition, 2009 (extracted micrograph identification logic trees, commonly misidentified tissues and tables)

- Wheater's Functional Histology - A Text and Colour Atlas, 6th edition, 2014 (extracted tables)

- Dongmei Cui - Atlas of Histology with Functional and Clinical Correlations, 1st edition, 2011 (extracted tables)

- Color Atlas of Histology, Cytology and Microscopic Anatomy, 4th edition, 2003 (extracted tables)

- Sobotta, Welsch - Atlas Histologie - Zytologie, Histologie, Mikroskopische Anatomie, 7., neue bearbeitete Auflage, 2005 (Tabellen)

- Sobotta, Welsch - Lehrbuch Histologie, 3. Auflage, 2010 (Tabellen)


Vse skupaj 183 str. v pdf-u z indeksom.


P.S. Tabele iz Gartner, Hiat - Color Atlas and Text of Histology, 6th ed, 2014, so objavljene ze prej na medenem srcu.

Ni tabel iz Junqueire, ker je knjiga relativno lahko dostopna :)